Whitening Facial Kit Price in Pakistan

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The best price of Whitening Facial Kit in Pakistan is Rs.5,617 and the lowest price found is Rs.650. The prices of Whitening Facial Kit is collected from the most trusted online stores in Pakistan such as aodour.pk, buyon.pk, daraz.pk, and just4girls.pk . The collected prices were updated on Sept. 26, 2022, 11:25 a.m.

  • Showing 317 results from 11 online stores
  • ratingNot Delivering
    Janssen Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 18,000


    Janssen Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 3,295


    Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit


    Rs. 3,175

    rating 3-7 days

    Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Janssen Whitening Facial Kit


    Rs. 17,499

    rating 3-7 days

    Janssen Whitening Facial Kit


  • Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit Tajori

    Rs. 3,199


    Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit Tajori


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Palmers Eventone Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 5,832


    Palmers Eventone Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 699


    Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Hollywood Style Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 3,125


    Hollywood Style Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    golden girl whitening facial kit

    Rs. 650

    rating 3-4 days

    golden girl whitening facial kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit


    Rs. 699

    rating 3-7 days

    Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Akssa Whitening Skin Facial Kit


    Rs. 750

    rating 3-7 days

    Akssa Whitening Skin Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Dr Romia Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 1,150

    rating 5-10 days

    Dr Romia Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Cool Beauty Whitening Facial Kit (6PCS)

    Rs. 1,199

    rating 8-10 days

    Cool Beauty Whitening Facial Kit (6PCS)


  • ratingDelivering
    Whitens Super Whitening Facial Kit With Polisher

    Rs. 855

    rating 5-6 days

    Whitens Super Whitening Facial Kit With Polisher


  • Akssa Whitening Skin Facial Kit Tajori

    Rs. 850


    Akssa Whitening Skin Facial Kit Tajori


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Danbys Multi Vitamin Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 2,440


    Danbys Multi Vitamin Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingNot Delivering
    Derma Clean 3D Whitening Facial Kit

    Rs. 999


    Derma Clean 3D Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Dalila UK Whitening Facial Kit 150ML


    Rs. 1,795

    rating 3-7 days

    Dalila UK Whitening Facial Kit 150ML


  • ratingDelivering
    Dalila UK Whitening Facial Kit 250ML


    Rs. 2,100

    rating 3-7 days

    Dalila UK Whitening Facial Kit 250ML


  • ratingDelivering
    Derma Clean 3D Whitening Facial Kit


    Rs. 999

    rating 3-7 days

    Derma Clean 3D Whitening Facial Kit


  • ratingDelivering
    Shop Zone Himalaya Whitening Facial Kit Pack of 6

    Rs. 1,499

    rating 5-10 days

    Shop Zone Himalaya Whitening Facial Kit Pack of 6


  • ratingDelivering
    Soft Touch Whitening Facial Kit - 7 Pieces

    Rs. 899

    rating 5-6 days

    Soft Touch Whitening Facial Kit - 7 Pieces


  • Eveline White Prestige 4D Whitening Facial Kit Tajori

    Rs. 3,885


    Eveline White Prestige 4D Whitening Facial Kit Tajori


  • ratingDelivering
    Swiss She Whitening Facial Skin Polishing Kit


    Rs. 1,499

    rating 3-7 days

    Swiss She Whitening Facial Skin Polishing Kit


Similar Products as Whitening Facial Kit

Whitening Facial Kit Price List - January 2022

Product Name Store Price
Janssen Whitening Facial Kit livewell.pk Rs. 18,000
Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit livewell.pk Rs. 3,295
Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit saloni.pk Rs. 3,175
Janssen Whitening Facial Kit saloni.pk Rs. 17,499
Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit Tajori tajori.pk Rs. 3,199
Palmers Eventone Whitening Facial Kit livewell.pk Rs. 5,832
Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit livewell.pk Rs. 699
Hollywood Style Whitening Facial Kit livewell.pk Rs. 3,125

Whitening Facial Kit Overview

In South Asian countries like Pakistan and India, fair skin is considered as the epitome of beauty. For this reason, whitening products are in huge demand in these countries. Both men and women want a fair skin tone. Skin Whitening kits are in the huge demand as well. There are many skin whitening facial brands in the market.

Best Whitening Facial Kit

Some of these brands actually work wonders for your skin. They can provide the skin tone you desire. You can use these facial kits at home very conveniently. Some of the most famous and trustworthy skin whitening facial kit brands are as follows:

Silky Girl Whitening Facial Kit

This pink box kit has six steps to follow. These 6 steps help you to get the skin you have always wanted. This small kit contains sachets of scrub, cleanser, toner, and gel. The instructions are explicitly explained on the packaging to help you use the get for great results. This is the best whitening kit available in Pakistan. This really helps in clearing dark spots, blackheads. It even tones your skin color. It makes your skin brighter and fresher than ever. It is also really effective to remove blemishes and acne.

Alisha whitening Facial kit

Alisha whitening Facial kit is a very famous locally available whitening facial kit. It is preferred by many women. This whitening facial kit really works wonders for your skin. It contains a hint of methanol that soothes your skin. It makes your skin feel the coolness. It really helps you feel relaxed. You feel very light and less stressed out after using this facial kit. It is available at a very affordable price range. It comes in huge containers form. It has 6 steps. Its triple-action cleanser deeply cleanses the pores of your skin and removes the dirt from within.  

Loreal BB whitening facial kit

This one is another locally manufactured facial kit that has a huge market in Pakistan. It also has 6 steps to follow. It rejuvenates your skin and makes it brighter. It contains yogurt and oatmeal that helps in deeply nourishing your skin. It is available at every retail store—the instructions on the back of packaging help in using the product more effectively. The only problem you might face is the quantity. You can only use it once or maybe twice other than that it is a good product.

Golden Pearl Whitening Facial Kit

Golden Pearl is a very well known and trusted brand for skin whitening products. It has a wide range of whitening products. All products help in achieving the desired skin tone. This brand has a huge market demand in Pakistan for many years now. It is widely used in the country and recommended by many beauticians. This brand provides the products at an affordable price and with admirable results. You can use a golden pearl whitening facial kit at any type of skin. This really helps in lightening the skin tone and make it fresher and brighter.

O3+ Whitening Facial Kit

It comes in the white bottle form, which is very handy. This facial kit is used at the professional level. It is suitable for all types of skins. It has 5 steps to follow. Which are as follows:

  • Whitening Cleansing Foam
  • Whitening Tonic
  • Whitening Serum
  • Whitening cream
  • Whitening Mask.

This facial kit does not contain any harmful ingredients like parabens and animal products. It gives positive results from the first application. It rejuvenates your skin, makes it baby soft and soft. It provides a natural glow to your face. It is a bit expensive but can be used multiple times.

Dermacos Whitening Facial Kit

This 8-step facial cleansing kit is a bit pricey but very good on the skin. It contains organic products in it, which helps in making the skin fresh, bright. This is mostly made of fruit extracts or from beneficial organic products that are good on the skin. You can easily find this facial kit at any retail store. The products come in the form of compact containers that are easier to store. It gives a professional touch-up to your face. You will feel relaxed and stress-free after a good facial massage from dermacos products.

Garnier Whitening Kits

Garnier, a very popular brand, has also launched its whitening facial kit. This product is great as all the other products of Garnier. This Indian based company is really good for your skin. It helps in removing all the pigmentation and dark spots from your skin. It can be used on any type of skin. It helps even tones the skin and nourishes it from within.

Countries like Pakistan's bright and fair color is considered attractive and beautiful. For which people use such whitening products to make them look attractive. Though color does not define beauty, you cannot change the mindset of the whole society.